Dietary Factors and Cancer



  • Dr Radhika Ketkar Associate Professor, Department of Panchakarma. SBG Ayurvedic college and Hospital. Belagavi Karnataka.


Cancer, Diet, vitamins, soya, fibers, proinflammatory diet


Epidemiologic research examines the distribution and determinants of diseases in populations and the application of this knowledge to control health problems. It is a crucial tool for understanding the causes and patterns of diseases and for developing effective strategies for the prevention and control of diseases. The review seeks to provide an overview of current scientific evidence concerning how diet affects cancer risk and identify areas requiring further research. It also explores how diets may be associated with several forms of malignancy and how diet may interact with other considerations, including lifestyle and genetics, to affect cancer risk. This paper provides an important foundation for subsequent studies into the complex relationship between malignancies and calories, looking at how different dietary behaviors can affect various types of cancer and how diet may interact with other factors to promote or reduce cancer risk. Our study aims to assess the connection between food and the emergence of cancer. Nutrition and an active way of life are believed to be useful in avoiding 30–40% of all cancer cases. The study seeks to understand the part of dietary and lifestyle factors in the etiology of cancer and how diet can be used to reduce cancer risk. Research suggests that a diet high in plant foods, with limited amounts of processed, red, and fatty meats, and low in sugar-sweetened beverages and highly processed foods, may lessen the chance of getting cancer. In addition, exercise and healthy habits such as limiting alcohol consumption, quitting smoking, and maintaining a healthy body weight may also lower the likelihood of cancer.


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How to Cite

Radhika Ketkar, D. “Dietary Factors and Cancer: Oncology-Dietary”. International Journal of Trends in OncoScience, vol. 1, no. 2, Apr. 2023, pp. 34-43,



Review Articles